
  1. Clone or download the kszere/Xiaomi-Dafang-API repository as an archive file from GitHub.
  2. Copy everything from "firmware_mod" folder into the root of the MicroSD. You can use FTP. It should look like this:
    ├── bin
    ├── config
    ├── DCIM (optional)
    |   ├─── Snaphots (optional)
    |   ├─── SoundRecorder (optional)
    |   └─── Videos (optional)
    ├── scripts
    ├── www
    |   └─── cgi-bin
    |        └─── api.cgi (this is api file)
    └── sounds (optional)
  3. If you not uploaded via ftp, insert the MicroSD and start the camera


The Snaphots, SoundRecorder and Videos directories are for archive records of audio, video and snapshots.

The sounds folder contains system sounds. For example played after the camera boots up.

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